Surfing Da Fundamentals

13 May 2022

Watching the Rise and Fall

I feel like this class ICS 314 was an epic ride. I learned a lot in this class and not just how to code for web development. In a way, I could relate this journey to learning how to surf. In the beginning, it seems intimidating. For code, you have to step in an already developed field and learn a vast amount of information in a short amount of time. When you think about wanting to surf for the first time the swelling of waves growing at what seems to be a random size and brutality of it crashing down in an instant can be intimidating. Once you get over this initial intimidation that is where the journey begins.

Trying To Stand On Da Board

Coding standards is something I have never thought about until I started this class. Coding standards are like the etiquettes to coding. It is fundamental and crucial to learn if you want to have a successful career as a software engineer. Kind of like trying to stand on a surfboard it’s really important that you get this right. Also transferring the experiences from learning coding standards helped with how I manage and organize things. Keeping things consistent and short but easy to read with the task I have to do has been really helpful.

Proper Way To Surf

Ethics in software engineering is another thing that I did not even think about until I came to this class. Who would think that there is a wrong and right thing to do when coding? Some people may go on to have jobs that can potentially harm another person or cause financial loss if they code improperly or have malicious intent. Everyone has their own way of coding but making sure you do the right thing is important and carries on to all aspect of life. When you first learn how to surf everyone has their own little tricks here and there on what to do when you surf and how to go about it. Surfing is a dangerous sport and like ethics in coding they have a right and wrong. You never try to run people over while catching a wave because you could injure them. Also if you see someone that needs help you always do you best to try and help that person out.

My First Wave

I would consider this ICS314 class as my first wave. I have learned a lot about coding web applications and about fundamental and important concepts that not only apply to coding but to life as well. Coding standards and ethics are something that I will definitely take with me as I move along to catch other waves. Using the foundational concepts from this class and trying to apply them when possible will help me grow in order to catch bigger waves and not be as intimidated.